Here I Am on “Here & Now”

I was startled when friends started emailing me to tell me that they were listening to me on NPR’s “Here & Now” the other day. I had no idea I would be on. I had done an interview for WBUR with Meghna Chakrabarti a week or two earlier and it...

What keeps girls (and some boys) out of computer classes

This past Sunday, The New York Times ran an op-ed I wrote about why so many girls still shy away from taking classes in computer science. As a special bonus to those of you who check out my blog, here’s the long version of that essay, which I delivered as a...

Boston book launch

Thanks to everyone who gave me such a warm welcome in Boston this past week …–The crowd that turned out for my reading at the Harvard Book Store–Meghna Chakrabarti, who asked me such smart questions when she interviewed me for WBUR–The friendly...

Publication date approaching

Lots of exciting developments as the September 15 publication date of “THE ONLY WOMAN IN THE ROOM” approaches. Nice previews in Publishers Review and Nature. Upcoming review in Scientific American. Just got interviewed for the Cosmopolitan Magazine website...