I finally made good on my threat to do stand-up in NYC

As someone who grew up at a hotel in the Borscht Belt, I have always been a devotee of stand-up comedy. One of my goals has been to perform in a NYC comedy club, and I am making good on that threat, this coming Friday night, December 1, 2017, 6:30 pm, at Stand-Up NY,...

A Perfect Life now out in paperback

 Even as the world is going to hell, the paperback version of my novel A Perfect Life just came out in paperback. Buy a copy for someone you know who still believes in science? And in love?

up north to Montreal, then down south to Miami

On Thursday, November 17, at 7:30, I will be reading from and discussing both A PERFECT LIFE and THE ONLY WOMAN IN THE ROOM at the Montreal Jewish Library, 5151 Cote Ste-Catherine.  A few days later, on Sunday, November 20, I will be appearing at the Miami Book Fair...

Love, sex and biology at Literati, 9/21

Michigan friends … I will be reading at Literati book store in Ann Arbor on Wednesday, September 21 at 7 pm. If you can stop by, I would love to see you. I’ll also be reading earlier that day, at the JCC book club in West Bloomfield, MI, at 1:30 pm....

Thanks, San Francisco!

Thoughtful review of A Perfect Life in one of my favorite papers, the San Francisco Chronicle:  “Eileen Pollack’s A Perfect Life tells a fascinating tale of a woman’s search for answers and the consequences of those answers. … This is not the kind of novel...