by epollack | Apr 9, 2019 | Blog
Growing up as a semi-Orthodox Jew in the heart of the Jewish Catskills, I regarded ultra-Orthodox and Hasidic Jews as the enemy. I worried my gentile friends would see these wildly bearded men in their long black coats, furry black hats, and curly peyes, or these...
by epollack | Dec 7, 2018 | Blog, Novels, Publications
My latest novel, The Bible of Dirty Jokes (Four Way Books) is a raunchy comic murder mystery with a feisty female protagonist, set in the Catskills and Las Vegas. Think Amy Schumer meets The Sopranos. Here is a list of my upcoming appearances: August 20, 2018, 12:30...
by epollack | Apr 8, 2018 | Blog
Excited to be attending the April 25th NYC premiere of Woman Walks Ahead, starring Jessica Chastain and Sam Rockwell. The movie isn’t very faithful to the true history of Caroline Weldon, but you can find out more about that remarkable woman by reading the new...
by epollack | Feb 24, 2018 | Blog
(2018) Sunday, March 4, 2018, at 7 pm, I’ll be reading at KGB Bar in Manhattan; Friday, March 9, 11-11:30 AM, I’ll be signing copies at the FourWay Books table at AWP in Tampa; Tuesday, March 13, at 7 pm, I’ll be reading at Literati Book Store in Ann...
by epollack | Jan 31, 2018 | Blog, Events
I will be reading from my newest novel, THE BIBLE OF DIRTY JOKES, at KGB Bar, 84 E. 4th Street in NYC, on the evening of Sunday, March 4, 2018 (time to be announced), and again at Literati Bookstore, 124 E. Washington Street in Ann Arbor, MI, on Tuesday, March 13, at...
by epollack | Jan 3, 2018 | Blog
Here’s a link to an essay of mine that just came out in the Harvard Review…
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